Thursday, October 11, 2007

Inspirational material for volunteers

While looking for research on volunteerism, I also came across some other websites, the first being some volunteering quotes. For me, the most poignant quote was "...If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else", by B.T. Washington. I also found a webpage outlining some benefits of being a volunteer. One benefit was that when a person volunteers, their well being is improved due to building of friendships and an increase in self-esteem. I can identify with this idea through personal experience. During my last year at primary school, my peer group suddenly excluded me from their activities, leaving me on my own at lunchtime. I was able to avoid getting too depressed and thinking I was an unworthy person by taking on some volunteer jobs at lunchtime instead. I would go to the classrooms of the younger kids (who had their lunch break at a different time to the older kids) and carry out various duties in the classrooms to assist their teachers, such as putting the kids' paintings up on display. Some of the little girls befriended me, to whom I became sort of a big sister. I also volunteered at the school canteen, where I made friends with kids from different classrooms. I'd be interested to hear which volunteering quotes anyone else found to be particularly moving or inspirational.


EmDeegs said...

Hey there,
I really liked your post, it was different so I thought I would post a quote that I had found and really struck me. Its from Johnetta Cole and it goes a little like this:
"The ultimate expression of generosity is not in giving of what you have, but in giving of who you are.”

Not only did I like the words and such, but I thought it was very relevant to today's materially obssessed society. You always here people saying they don't have anything to give when sometimes all they need to give is their time to better the life of someone else.
Thanks again.

My Blog said...

Thats so true. As emdeegs said, people are so obsessed with material objects (hich have little emotional value) that little emphasis is place of the giving of time or persoanl resourses. If you can give time to someone, you will achieve more than giving objects alone.